Sund & Baelt – IBM Maximo Case study

As an operator of some of the world’s large infrastructure projects, Sund & Bælt’s took on the project of The Great Belt Bridge, an 11 mile bridge that is one of the biggest construction projects in Denmark. Maintaining, providing regular inspections and implementing sustainability into their operational processes of this 11 mile structure with IBM Maximo.

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IBM Maximo Case Study - Sustainability

Sund & Bælt Holding A/S

Sund & Bælt Holding A/S owns and operates some of the largest infrastructures in the world, including the Great Belt Fixed Link — an 11-mile bridge and tunnel combination that is the largest construction project in Danish history. The company knew that one of its greatest challenges was the slow and manual process for conducting regular maintenance inspections. To inspect bridges, Sund & Bælt often hired mountaineers to scale the sides and take photographs for examination. An inspection could take a month, and the process had to be repeated frequently for bridges near oceans or in other corrosive environments. The company also needed to inspect all of its tunnels and other infrastructure elements.

To inspect and maintain civil infrastructure in a more technologically advanced way, Sund & Bælt sought a technology partner with global expertise and comprehensive capabilities. The company chose IBM, and together they formed a collaboration to create what became the IBM Maximo for Civil Infrastructure solution. Now, Sund & Bælt is using the Maximo software to monitor and manage its critical infrastructures.

The new solution includes the IBM Maximo Application Suite, with technology that helps Sund & Bælt inspect infrastructures, access insights with mobile devices on location and use AI technology to carefully and efficiently analyze data about the conditions of bridges, tunnels and other infrastructure elements.

With the new solution, Sund & Bælt gathers data from drone photographs to monitor status without dangerous and time-consuming human inspections. The solution consolidates this data with maintenance records, design documents and 3D models to help identify cracks, rust, corrosion, displacement and stress

The IBM Maximo for Civil Infrastructure solution gives Sund & Bælt capabilities that both streamline inspections and clarify predictive maintenance strategies but one of S&B’s greatest challenge was implementing a sustainable approach into their maintenance processes.

Sustainability benefits with IBM Maximo


increase in productivity of maintenance 


lifespan of the Great Belt Bridge


Equivalent to CO2 emissions produced by 75,000 UK Citizens

For more information on how you could utilise IBM Maximo Application Suite to streamline and keep your business one step ahead with predictive maintenance contact our team for a free consultation today:


Find out more about Sund & Baelt