Preventive maintenance with IBM Maximo – EAM webinar on-demand Jamie Markham 26.10.2022 The final webinar in our ‘Explore the Capabilities of IBM Maximo’ series and in this session we will take a look at utilising IBM Maximo to move your maintenance processes from reactive to predictive, fixing equipment before it has chance to breakdown and effect your businsess. Preventive Maintenance with IBM Maximo – On-demand webinar Preventive Maintenance is the planned maintenance work that should be regularly performed on a piece of equipment to mitigate the risk of unexpected failures. With IBM Maximo you can generate work orders for your organisation, from within a single solution. What expect from the webinar: Preventive Maintenance is the planned maintenance work that should be regularly performed on a piece of equipment to mitigate the risk of unexpected failures. You use the applications in the Preventive Maintenance module to manage the work performed on a regular schedule to keep assets running efficiently. The applications can help you to plan and budget for regular maintenance work by planning the labor, material, service, and tool needs of your regularly scheduled maintenance and inspection work orders. Preventive maintenance (PM) records are templates for scheduled preventive maintenance work. They are used to generate preventive maintenance work orders. PMs can contain job plan and corresponding safety plan information that is copied to work orders. Information associated with a PM becomes part of the work order records you generate from the PM. You can create parent-child relationships between similar PMs to build a PM hierarchy, which enables you to generate hierarchies of related work orders. You can also schedule PM work for assets on a route. When you create PMs for assets or locations, you determine how to schedule work for them. You can create schedules based on the following conditions: Elapsed time since the target start date or completion date of previous work. PMs for this work are called time-based PMs. Metered asset usage since the target start date or completion date of previous work. PMs for this work are called meter-based PMs. A combination of elapsed time and metered usage. You can create flexible schedules by using lead times, seasonal and extended dates, and by triggering work outside of a PM frequency cycle. Are these points you have already asked yourself and are you interested in IBM Maximo Enterprise Asset Management? Then the MACS Preventive Maintenance with IBM Maximo webinar will tell you everything you need to know! Webinar preview Sign up below for instant access to our Preventive Maintenance with IBM Maximo: Name(Required) First Last Company Email(Required) Company name(Required)Contact number(Required)Job title(Required)Country(Required) Share:
Preventive Maintenance with IBM Maximo – On-demand webinar Preventive Maintenance is the planned maintenance work that should be regularly performed on a piece of equipment to mitigate the risk of unexpected failures. With IBM Maximo you can generate work orders for your organisation, from within a single solution. What expect from the webinar: Preventive Maintenance is the planned maintenance work that should be regularly performed on a piece of equipment to mitigate the risk of unexpected failures. You use the applications in the Preventive Maintenance module to manage the work performed on a regular schedule to keep assets running efficiently. The applications can help you to plan and budget for regular maintenance work by planning the labor, material, service, and tool needs of your regularly scheduled maintenance and inspection work orders. Preventive maintenance (PM) records are templates for scheduled preventive maintenance work. They are used to generate preventive maintenance work orders. PMs can contain job plan and corresponding safety plan information that is copied to work orders. Information associated with a PM becomes part of the work order records you generate from the PM. You can create parent-child relationships between similar PMs to build a PM hierarchy, which enables you to generate hierarchies of related work orders. You can also schedule PM work for assets on a route. When you create PMs for assets or locations, you determine how to schedule work for them. You can create schedules based on the following conditions: Elapsed time since the target start date or completion date of previous work. PMs for this work are called time-based PMs. Metered asset usage since the target start date or completion date of previous work. PMs for this work are called meter-based PMs. A combination of elapsed time and metered usage. You can create flexible schedules by using lead times, seasonal and extended dates, and by triggering work outside of a PM frequency cycle. Are these points you have already asked yourself and are you interested in IBM Maximo Enterprise Asset Management? Then the MACS Preventive Maintenance with IBM Maximo webinar will tell you everything you need to know! Webinar preview Sign up below for instant access to our Preventive Maintenance with IBM Maximo: Name(Required) First Last Company Email(Required) Company name(Required)Contact number(Required)Job title(Required)Country(Required)